Stop The Harassment


Stop blaming the system and start helping these families!

I don’t want to argue on whether or not having children is a right or a privilege, but raising them is...well, it's somewhere in between. It's not a right, because if you abuse your children they will and in my opinion should be taken away. But it's also not a privilege in the sense that the default is that you're allowed to raise all kids you give birth to.

personal-information/Personal Information

One of the woman on the blog wants to point out that I had a DWI...Yes I did. I don't deny it. When I drove this woman's children down to Illinois to chaperone a visit, I mentioned this to her. She had no issue on this. I told her that the county called me about it and we discussed it. My DWI was in 2004 after my grandmother passed away. I am in no way making excuses, just giving my reason for my irresponsibility. I have learned from this mistake and have not had any repeat offenses...feel free to check at the following website...


This website will have records for everyone and anyone. Feel free to check out those that are mentioned on the Carver County Corruption website...

If this woman in question really had a problem with my one DWI, why would she marry a man who has the following?

1999 Minnesota DWI

2002 Minnesota Drug Paraphernalia

2005 Minnesota DWI

2007 Minnesota Drug Paraphernalia

2007 California DUI/Drugs

The list goes on and her husband has a warrant out for himself in MN and he currently has charges against himself for domestic abuse in IL/IA for putting his hands on her.