Stop The Harassment


Stop blaming the system and start helping these families!

I don’t want to argue on whether or not having children is a right or a privilege, but raising them is...well, it's somewhere in between. It's not a right, because if you abuse your children they will and in my opinion should be taken away. But it's also not a privilege in the sense that the default is that you're allowed to raise all kids you give birth to.


My Apology

02/10/2013 21:12
I have done all I can to help, but do regret one thing. I regret letting the CCC blog's harassment get to me (specifically Lori). I lost her trust because of trying to defend myself. I know that I had been lied to many times, but will still forgive and forget and give all the help I can. I AM SORRY...

Website launched

02/01/2013 17:00
Our new website has been launched today. This blog has been created to stop the harassment by the blog The mission of this blog is to stop the harassment! If you have been harassed, please let me know and I will post it!