Stop The Harassment


Stop blaming the system and start helping these families!

I don’t want to argue on whether or not having children is a right or a privilege, but raising them is...well, it's somewhere in between. It's not a right, because if you abuse your children they will and in my opinion should be taken away. But it's also not a privilege in the sense that the default is that you're allowed to raise all kids you give birth to.

Extremely Grave Situation

02/21/2013 21:09

Raising your children is your Constitutional right. It should only be taken from you in extremely grave situations. Many parents may raise their children in a manner that progressive social workers do not agree with, but unless a parent is violating laws, social workers should have no power to take your children from you. While views on discipline, religion, medical treatment, education, and so forth are often controversial, you should not be able to lose your children because social services does not approve of your methods of parenting.

I want to know what people think "Grave Situations Are"

Leaving children home alone? Leaving children home alone to take care of their younger siblings? Having numberous sexual partners coming and going in and out of the household?

You tell me what you think are "Grave Situations"