Stop The Harassment


Stop blaming the system and start helping these families!

I don’t want to argue on whether or not having children is a right or a privilege, but raising them is...well, it's somewhere in between. It's not a right, because if you abuse your children they will and in my opinion should be taken away. But it's also not a privilege in the sense that the default is that you're allowed to raise all kids you give birth to.

E-mail Inquiry

02/11/2013 00:00
Hi Jennifer,
I have followed the CCC blog for a while now, mostly out of curiousity and as someone who has had dealings with some of these judges, and I noticed last week that your name was in the comments... and I wondered if it was you and what your connection might be to all of this.
I have wondered how much truth there is to some of these accounts - it seems odd that such wide spread corruption could take place in this day and age.  I did get the impression that one of the commentors is pretty far out there but wasn't really sure how credible the rest of the information was, especially the cases that are discussed.
I have always taken what I have read there with a grain of salt.  Now I am even more curious what you might be able to shed light on if you care to, if not, I understand.
I hope all is well with you and yours!