Stop The Harassment


Stop blaming the system and start helping these families!

I don’t want to argue on whether or not having children is a right or a privilege, but raising them is...well, it's somewhere in between. It's not a right, because if you abuse your children they will and in my opinion should be taken away. But it's also not a privilege in the sense that the default is that you're allowed to raise all kids you give birth to.

Court Today

02/21/2013 21:19

I went to court today to support a foster parent. One of the woman from the Carver County Corruption Blog was there and made a complete A** of herself. She had that guts to stand up in court at the end and say that she filed papers on the foster parent (by the way the documents were fraudulent and she should try sharpening up on her attorney skills) and told the judge that there were no foot prints in the snow which tells her that the children never get to go outside and play, she said that she could see in the porch and the place was filthy and when the foster mom came to the door her eyes were all glossed over. The foster mom wears bi-focals...really! Can you stretch the truth a bit more...She showed absolutely no respect in the courtroom and that is how she represents herself. I told my fiance that there was a distinct line in the courtroom between the educated and the non-educated.